The securities law practice of rkv & associatesis an integral part of the organisation. The experienced professionals in the practice, which comprise seasoned corporate and dispute resolution lawyers, chartered accountants and company secretaries are adept at the following services:
Transactional Services:
Steering strategic corporate transactions of listed companies in India such as mergers and acquisition (M&A), public takeovers, private equity investments, offer for sale on stock exchanges, corporate restructuring (buy back, reduction of share capital, delisting, relisting, mergers and demergers), setting up ESOP schemes of listed entities in India. This involves transaction structuring, conducting legal due diligence, drafting transaction documents, driving open offer process, co-ordination with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Stock Exchanges and other market intermediaries;
Securities Law Advisory to Listed Companies & MSME’s:
Regulatory advice and assistance to Listed Companies and MSME’s in resolving of complex securities and financial issues arising in relation to various SEBI regulations such as the LODR, ICDR, Takeover Code, Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulations and Listing Regulations (including corporate governance related issues) etc.
Audit Services to Listed Companies & MSME’s:
Audit of Indian listed companies and MSME’s for verifying compliance with various SEBI regulations particularly the listing regulation, takeover code and the prohibition of insider trading regulations.
Services to Market Intermediaries:
Advice to market intermediaries/investors like mutual funds, foreign institutional investors (FIIs), stock brokers, merchant bankers, portfolio managers, depository participants etc. in regulatory compliances that is prescribed by SEBI and Stock Exchanges, incorporation and setting up of various intermediaries, drafting of operating contracts etc.
Dispute Resolution Services:
In addition to advisory and transactional services, legal assistance is provided in representing the clients before various forums such as the investigating authorities/adjudicating officer and disciplinary action committees of SEBI and Stock Exchanges, the Securities Appellate Tribunal, NCLT, High Courts, NCLAT and the Supreme Court.

37 Years of Accumulated Practice
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The Law firm is founded by Mr. BN Garg Advocate having 38 years of corporate experience focusing on indirect taxation & company matters. He has been appointed as key attorney in various reputed national Corporates & a trusted advisor to the senior management with a proven track record.
You can get in request a quote for our services through the contact us page.